The Power of Story: Change Your Story, Change Your Destiny in Business and in Life Jim Loehr
Publisher: Free Press
It's The Power of Story: Rewrite Your Destiny in Business and in Life. Jul 1, 2012 - You probably had these dreams when you were younger but with increasing life obligations and responsibilities, your dreams have sunk into the ocean like the Titanic on that fateful night. Oct 22, 2012 - Great read The Power of Story: Change Your Story, Change Your Destiny in Business and in Life [Paperback] Jim Loehr (Author). Queenie says: Apr 28, 2010 at Your passion for this topic (and your personal story of surviving the change) are infectious. Are you working on your life or just in it? Feb 6, 2013 - Product Details: Publisher: Free Press (2007) Language: English. And finally… 7 Tips for Creating Your Own Destiny. Apr 28, 2010 - And, this is the moment you bridge the gap from pacing and agitating the readers' current experience, from telling their story through the lens of your own quest to leading them into the part of the story that's yet to unfold. The events, people and solutions . Thanks for stopping by and sharing your story. Looking forward to reading more on Looks like you followed the plan to a tee:) Asking questions which led to changes which led to huge changes and finding your destiny ultimately?